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-Cliffclan of the Mountains

-Sunclan of the Jungle

-Mistclan of the Island

-Stormclan of the Forest

-Dustclan of the Tiaga



-Starclan cats  

-Dark forest cats  





More information on all the diffrent clans coming soon!



2.NO HACKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

3.Respect/Be nice to each other no matter if you staff or not.

4.You may have a leader character or a deputy character but not both at the same time even if they are in diffrent clans(this is to avoid confusion in rp and so many people can be in spetial positions)  

5.You may have a Medicine Cat character or a Medicine Cat's Apprentice character but not both at the same time even if they are in diffrent clans(this is to avoid confusion in rp and so many people can be in spetial positions)  

6.No super over powered cats without permission for it for a rp  

7.No sparkle cats (no wafflepaw or brick claw or doctorwhofur or anything like that)  please  

8.You May Not Have Multiple Spetial Positions (leader,deputy,med cat, med cat app) in the same clan  

--Please follow the rules they are very reasonable.  
--There are spots as leaders deputys and medcats open so come and join the fun of leading a clan!  

--I previously named this server forest of stars but discovered another server had the same name  
--Heres the url for the other planet minecraft page i have for this server:  
--Since people keep asking, YES ,I am going to increase the amount of people possible on the server once it has "kicked off" or gotten to the point where it is a  more notice-able problem but remember, the server owner/owners have to pay a fee for the amount of players max so its not just a change it in the setting for free thing. 
--we are making a website and adding votifier! 
--Please follow the rules they are very reasonable.  
--There are spots as leaders deputys and medcats open so come and join the fun of leading a clan!  

--I previously named this server forest of stars but discovered another server had the same name  
--Heres the url for the other planet minecraft page i have for this server:  
--Since people keep asking, YES ,I am going to increase the amount of people possible on the server once it has "kicked off" or gotten to the point where it is a  more notice-able problem but remember, the server owner/owners have to pay a fee for the amount of players max so its not just a change it in the setting for free thing. 
--we are making a website and adding votifier! 
Game 1



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